Thursday, November 15, 2012

I am no Good .

yeah I know I'm no good.
I am just a human that full of sins.
If you think I'm trying to be good, guess you were wrong.
I'd never trying to be good. and I'm not even trying to act good.

But one thing for sure,
I am trying to be a better person than I used to be.
I am trying to be a better daughter for my parents.
I am trying to be a better friend for my darlings (friends, family, relatives, people )
and the most of all, a better servant to Allah The Almighty...

cuz I know death will soon come over me,
thus with my whole heart
I'm seeking for Allah's forgiveness, for all my sins that I've committed in my entire life.
I'm wishing to live a blessed dunya life,
and I pray that God will bless me with a good ending of Khusnul Khotimah,
and of course, I pray for a good akhirat life.

Although I know I don't deserve that,
but still, that's my wishes as a Muslim, and I'm yearning for it.
Again, Insyallah.

Sincerely Allah's servant,

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